From Grunge to psychedelic rock. Must be possible in the biggest link on the internet. Jefferson Airplane was a rockband founded in 1965 and they lasted for about 8 years which means they 'split' even before I was born but in that period of time they managed to create no less than 10 albums. Starting with the clearly stating 'Jefferson Airplane Takes Off' until the 'Thirthy Seconds Over Winterland' album.
The song chosen appears on their second album 'Surrealistic Pillow' which meant their big break through in 1967. The song is all about mixing the Alice In Wonderland movie with the effects of LSD. It's a bit crazy I guess just like their music. They also played at the famous Woodstock festival early in the morning and they opened with the words "Now you'll hear some morning maniac music". It is said that this performance was one of the highlights of the festival, even at an unfriendly early hour.

Later in 1987 they would once more come together in the original format bringing one last album to the fans and saying goodbye with one final tour.
Now here's White Rabbit for you:
P.S. The link is white -> Previous song by Nirvana was released on the album Bleach and when something is bleached it's whitened -> White rabbit ... there's the link !
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