Off course he’s eternally connected to the spaghetti western as we know them, most of them with Clint Eastwood in the lead character. But what most people don’t know is that he wrote the music for a huge amount of Italian, French and Spanish films. In fact these movies hold most of his filmic art work.
Besides uplifting different movies with his music he also composed his own classical music concerts. He started this after ‘retiring’ from creating film music somewhere around the nineties and he does so even at the age of 83. It’s been said that he’s still working seven days a week for nine straight hours. Not many of his age will do that nowadays. Retiring by the way is a harsh word since he’s still composing the music for different movies but he switched his focus more between that and his concerts.
Ennio won many prices throughout in his career but there’s one still missing and that’s an Oscar. Although nominated five time he never got to chance to hold that one statue. He might do so in 2013 for “Capone Rising”; the new Brian De Palma movie which is scheduled to be released in 2012. For all I care the man deserves at least one Oscar.
I chose The Ecstasy Of Gold for two specific reasons: First, it ties great into my next link which you’ll get next Saturday and all I can tell you now is that these guys are my favourite band all time … Second, I love the shots when The Ugly runs around the graveyard in desperation to find that one grave in which lies the treasure he’s seeking. I love the film. I love the music. I love Ennio for his lifetime contribution to film. Thanks Mr Morricone !!!!
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