zaterdag 19 februari 2011


It's not that i'm very religeous or anything but I simply couldn't pass this uterly beautifull version of this song. Although the original song by Leonard Cohen is also a rock solid piece of art I think this performance grasps straight to anyone's throat.

Jeff recorded this cover back in 1993 for his debut album Grace. Actually, apart from an earlier EP called Live at sin-E, that was his only album released during his time amongst us. Jeff Buckley died way too soon at the age of 30 on May 29th, 1997. His dead was, just like all great artists who die too young, quite tragic. On his way to the studio, ready to record his second album, he and a friend stopped to take a short swim in a lake called The Wolf River Marina where he drowned. Off course more albums were released posthumous like live recordings, live performances and one with songs from 1991-1992. I think Jeff Buckley fits perfectly in the same category as Kurt Cobain, Michael Hutchence and many others. Great artist who died too young and who could have given us many more great songs. But then again this is also a part of the myths.

The musical genious was passed on to him by his father Tim Buckley who was a well know folk artist in the 60's and 70's. Tim also died very young at the age of 29and if you look at pictures of them both you'll find many more similarities.

I sujest now to close the curtains, make it real dark and light up a few candles, close your eyes and clear your mind and put this song on infinite repeat. You'll never know what hit you.


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