(pronounce as Wretch Three Two and not Thirty Two) worked on a song with Da
Weasel and that’s exactly why I’ve used him in my music link. He’s born and
raised in London where he joined two different Grime crews, Combination Chain
Gang and The Movement. As a solo artist he got picked up after a live
performance at the 2007 MP3 Music Awards. After this he was given the chance to
create a first full album named Wretchrospective; released in 2008. Back in
these days he also created a few mixtapes with grime, urban and hiphop sounds
making his name in this particular part of the music business.

He now
started touring with a UK Arena tour bringing his sound to the world and in his
latest touring performances he brought a brand new song to his fans with the
title ‘Blur’. It is supposed to be the first single of his newest album
foreseen for 2013. This single also features on the latest FIFA13 soundtrack as
one of the themes.